Content Strategy and Production Services

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What is the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business in 2024?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving faster than any other technology.

While AI and machine learning provide immense benefits, over-relying on them can leave businesses vulnerable when systems fail. That's why it’s vital to understand its capabilities and key uses before determining the role of artificial intelligence in business and how to use it to move your business forward.

Many CEOs and leaders are often curious about the best ways to utilize AI for their organization, especially give

5 Benefits of AI in Business in 2024 and Beyond

Artificial intelligence adoption has exploded by 300% percent in the last five years. While basic automation has many advantages, advanced AI promises much more - from coordinating complex global supply chains to launching entirely new data-driven business models.

However, these expanding capabilities depend on robust infrastructure and integrations. Too often, companies hit roadblocks trying to productionalize models or scale use cases. Legacy systems strain under the data loads. Silos prevent

From Pilot to Production: A 5-Step Preparation Guide Before Putting AI to Work

46 percent of AI projects never make it to production.

Some need more high-quality data, some need to scale in real-world scenarios, and some run into regulatory and compliance hurdles. Skill gaps, technical limitations, cost overruns, and other planning pitfalls prevent AI projects from progressing through the initial stages.

Too often, teams rush into buying off-the-shelf machine learning (ML) algorithms and hope results follow instead of laying the groundwork first. You need high-quality da

How to Use AI Workflow Automation to Amplify Results

Injecting AI into daily tasks can boost outcomes - but only if thoughtfully added to help your team rather than simply replacing them. 85 percent of leaders want to automate processes to increase efficiency and productivity in their organization, and 35 percent want to do it to save costs.

However, whatever outcome you want to boost, automation works best when improving jobs rather than just cutting costs. Many companies need help to get benefits from AI even when they deploy it well. Small pro

Removing Features From a Product: How to Know When It's Time

Removing features from a product is like decluttering your home. Everything in your home was important to you at some point in time; you bought it with your hard-earned money, you put thought and effort into it, and you simply don’t want to get rid of it. Yet, that which no longer serves you must go.

Just as you don’t want a cluttered home, you don’t want a product cluttered with way too many features. Too many features can be a resource drain and can negatively impact user experience. As someo

How To Grow Your App With a Superior Mobile Engagement Strategy

Social media apps often generate high user engagement due to their ability to connect individuals, foster virtual communities, and offer a platform for personal expression. They use features such as notifications, addictive design elements, and algorithms that curate content tailored to users' preferences, enticing prolonged usage and interaction.

In the world of product management, higher user engagement leads to higher retention. Product managers from other sectors like dating, telehealth, ga

Top 5 Edge Computing Benefits for Your Organization

Earlier this year, surgeons at the OLV Hospital in Belgium performed a successful partial nephrectomy on a patient with early-stage kidney cancer. But this wasn't just any surgery; this was the first-ever AI-powered, robot-assisted surgery.

The surgery had been in the works for a while, but the surgeons from Orsi Academy kept running into a latency problem. The data from the sensors in the operating room took too long to be processed at a nearby cloud server.

What solved the high latency probl

How to Create a Scalable Product Validation Testing Process

The average salary of a full-stack developer in the US is more than $100,000 per year. To build new features into your product, you need multiple developers. Add to that the investment that goes into infrastructure, research, technology stack, testing, maintenance, and then marketing, and you are looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of effort that goes into building a new feature. You want to protect that investment by building features that have a greater chance of being successfu

10 Employee Engagement Trends to Watch in 2024 (+ Tips) | Together Mentoring Software

We are at an interesting point in human history where AI seems to have evolved to a higher state — not high enough for a robot uprising — but enough to make a lot of generic skills redundant.

Generative AI is quickly transforming all aspects of work, and employee engagement is not immune to its effects. That being said, engagement is inherently a human concept. Employee engagement is closely tied to how the employer treats the employee and how the employee feels about their job and their employ

End-to-end Encryption (E2EE)

Have you ever used WhatsApp or a similar messaging app?

As a user, you send a text, image, voice, or video message to your contact, and they receive it instantly. But there's a lot more going on in the background to keep your message secure.

It's called end-to-end encryption (E2EE), and it ensures that anyone who intercepts the message during transmission won't be able to read it without the encryption key.
• The app encrypts the messaging using a unique key.
• This encrypted message is then t

What Are the Top 6 Features of Good API Design?

APIs are the building blocks of modern software. According to the 2022 State of the API Report, 51% of organizations spend more than half of their development effort on APIs.

From the creation of an API to the time it is retired, multiple developers come in contact with it and use it to access relevant data and functionalities. That means APIs have to be secure, reliable, scalable, and easy to update. Well designed APIs have a longer life cycle because they can be enhanced instead of being reti

9 Video Marketing SEO Best Practices

We live in the golden age of video marketing. 68% of consumers prefer watching videos to learn about new products or services. Plus, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos. With stats like that, it’s clear why video is such an important medium for marketing.

But the truth is, no matter how amazing your videos are, they won’t help your business if no one can find them. That’s where video marketing SEO comes in. With a little optimization, your cinematic masterpiece

How to Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media

77% of small businesses use social media to connect with new and existing customers, but many aren’t seeing the results they’d hoped for.

That’s in large part because social media is saturated with noise. But with a bit of strategic thinking, you can cut through the din and get the attention your business needs to grow.

So, let us show you how to increase brand awareness on social media in five very doable steps. Give them a try, and you’ll leave a memorable impression with the people most imp

What Are Marketing Leads? (+How to Manage Them)

When businesses want to grow online, they use marketing strategies to attract more people to their websites and social media pages. But getting more traffic doesn’t automatically mean more sales. That’s why generating marketing leads is so important.

So, what is a lead in marketing? How do you get more of them? And what can you do to convert them into customers?

We’ll answer these questions in this guide and make sure you have what you need to generate more marketing leads for your business.

How to Use Google Gemini for Content Ideas, Social Media & More

Google Gemini (previously known as Bard) is a generative artificial intelligence chatbot that helps you create all sorts of marketing content quickly. And even though it’s similar to tools like ChatGPT, being attached to the world’s largest search engine gives it some advantages.

In this article, we will cover how to use Google Gemini, it’s benefits, its limitations, and show you a handful of ways to use it right now.
• Why should you use Google Gemini?
• How do you access Google Gemini?
• How

5 Magnetic Lead Capture Best Practices + Examples

Capturing the information of potential customers is more than just a data collection exercise, it’s about securing future business opportunities. An effective lead capture strategy can significantly impact a company’s bottom line. By creating a steady flow of quality leads, businesses can drive revenue, foster growth, and solidify their position in the market.

When done right, lead capture not only fills the sales funnel but also provides clarity on which leads have the highest propensity to co

What is iPaaS? Integration Platform as a Service Explained

Each team in an average organization uses anywhere between 39 and 78 apps from different software providers.

In most cases, you will want data to flow between these apps. For example, you want leads from your website to get to your marketing automation tool and then to your CRM. In some cases, apps come with built-in integration. If the built-in integrations are missing, you have to build custom integrations or use manual processes. If your team uses 40 or more apps, and you need to create auto

11 Social Media Optimization Tips for 2024

There are 4.95 billion social media users in the world. And that’s why roughly 94% of businesses try to maintain an active presence on social media.

Businesses ranging from small mom-and-pop stores to large enterprises try to post regularly, engage with their audience, garner goodwill, generate leads, and improve sales through social media platforms.

But, posting regularly is not enough.

To enhance engagement, reach, and brand visibility, you need a broader understanding of social media optim

9 Email Marketing Trends That Will Deliver Growth in 2024

More than 4 billion people on this planet are active email users, and most check their emails several times a day using multiple devices. Add email’s incredible ROI of $36 per dollar spent, and it’s clear why staying on top of email marketing trends is so important.

In this article, we’ll reveal the nine biggest email marketing trends to know in 2024, plus show you three upcoming trends we’re keeping an eye on.

👋 Pssst…this free guide to small business emails is full of copy-and-paste template

9 Absolute Best Types of Marketing Emails to Send (+Templates!)

As a small business owner, you’re probably always looking for new, cost-effective ways to reach your target audience and increase leads and sales. Email marketing is an excellent way to do this, but it can be challenging to decide what types of emails you should be sending for it to be successful.

That’s why we’ve rounded up the nine best types of marketing emails that are surefire wins for your business—plus templates and examples for each so you have everything you need right at the tips of y

6 Top B2B Fintech Companies and How Digital Innovation Made Them Successful

In 2022, the B2B fintech sector in Europe attracted four times the investment compared to its B2C counterpart.

Investors find B2B fintech companies attractive because they have a greater revenue potential, focus on specific niche markets, and always aim to differentiate themselves from the competition through innovative features and products.

But not all B2B fintech companies are created equal. Some focus on creating unique products, while others find new, untapped markets and serve their need

How To Create a Digital Transformation Strategy for Your Financial Services Organization

The rapid growth of fintech firms has created significant pressure to accelerate digital transformation to help achieve business objectives. But most of the effort that goes into digital transformation is focused on customer-facing products and services—only 23% of financial institutions have achieved complete digital transformation.

Complete digital transformation means transforming all aspects of your business, customer-facing and internal, with the help of the latest technology. Complete dig

Point-to-Point Integration: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Uses

Organizations now have bigger technology stacks than ever. In 2017, organizations across the globe used an average of 16 SaaS apps to get work done. In 2021, that number rose to 110.

The number of apps organizations use continues to multiply. While all of these apps may help with productivity, they also present a new challenge for the organization’s data structure. Data has to flow from one app to another and touch many systems throughout its lifecycle within an organization’s ecosystem. For th

The Future Is Intelligent Data Labeling

In 1960, scientists at the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories successfully created a speech-to-text machine learning algorithm that could recognize 83 words. To create it, they used training data stored on 1,600 magnetic drum storage registers. Given that one magnetic drum stored 10kBs at that time, that’s about 16Mbs worth of training data—a small video you record on your phone takes up more space than that.

Fast forward to today. The speech-to-text machine learning algorithms have argu
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